Migrating from Free to Pro

First, thank you for purchasing the Pro version of the plugin!  We think that you will like all of the extra options and flexibility that the plugin allows.

Part of that flexibility is the ease with which you can transfer your work from the free to the Pro version.

To begin with, install the pro plugin; don’t worry it can run side-by-side with the free plugin.

Next go to the Pro area/tab on your admin site and create an event.

After creating the event, hover the mouse over the event.  Additional links will now be available, one of which is, “Import from Free RSVP.”migrate_linkIf you click on this you will get an import prompt to help prevent accidentally importing the data.import_promptAfter clicking the “Import!” button, you will get confirmation when the import is complete.  You may then continue to work on your event using the Pro version.  From a functionality stand point, you do not need to delete the free plugin, it will not interfere with the Pro version.  However, there is always the chance of accidentally managing your event via the free version, even though you purchased the Pro plugin.  In order to avoid this mistake, we recommend deleting the free plugin, only AFTER verifying that all of the information migrated over to the Pro version.

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